Nathan Severn-Stark
My practice is centered around journeys and how they can be explored in the visual arts. I explore drawing and different varieties of printmaking. My work often takes me on walks which reflect my artwork in the form of lines and inaccurate, emotive maps and landscape drawings. I use these as a way to communicate where I go and where I have been when taking in my surroundings both visually and emotionally.
A journey does not have to be literal and can sometimes pivot, this does not mean it has to
be A to B, it can be wherever my head and mental health will take me. I find myself often working around psychogeography and how it could link back to my practice as a theory.
I find I am connected to the figure and use that as a representation of myself and my own physical presence. I use this to simulate the emotion and physical movement of the human body, if through a daily walk or a deeper mental journey.