Philip Battley
My work to some extent involves delving into social, political, and economic tensions that exist beneath life’s surface. I express what I want to say on these issues in my own way, subsuming information from varying sources and then coming to a conclusion through imagery.
The use of photography plays a vital role within my practice. I don’t try to make my drawings look like photographs, up close the fact of them being a drawing is obvious. But by using photography as a tool, removing and retaining elements within the image, my ideas can be brought into realisation.
Each drawing evolves through a constant process of application and removal, striving to obtain the levels of texture and tone that I feel best describe the form. Throughout construction there is a constant dialogue. An exchange between previous and subsequent marks made, a conversation, with the drawing directing me towards what it needs to become. I feel that within this balance of direction and intuition the drawing's mass of forms become cohesive and breathe life into the work.